The Cake Tin/ The Magic Box project

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Cake Tin is a visual and audio experiment towards my end of year installation Magic Box.
An explosion of staking tea cups, tea parties and presents of biscuits wrapped in butter wrapper. The Cake Tin explores the memory of my grandmothers cake tin that permanently lived on the bench, and was regularly filled with freshly baked goodness. The magic that it seemed to possess and contain, and the excitement of opening this little treasure chest.

'Chests especially small caskets, over which we may have more complete mastery, are objects that may be opened.' (Bachelard,Gaston, The Poetics Of Space, p 85)
With this explosion of thought, tiredness and sore feet from my new boots I came up with this.

Fragments Of Issabella/The Magic Box Project

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fragments of Issabella is a visual experiment towards my end of year installation Magic Box
A work in procress that is bassed on preserving the memory of my Grandparents, two incredible people who really influenced me and my practice. Magic Box is a memento of them,but also pays tribute to the era that they came from, the era of the hand made, to make do and mend.

Shadow Interaction

Friday, August 22, 2008

A quick test with the same footage.

Experimenting with the interaction of the viewer's shadow upon the black and white footage.

Mise en Abyme Project 2007

Dealing with the idea of Mise en Abyme, and spaces within spaces.

Composited from still photographs.
Played as a Continuous never ending loop.

Tree Triple Projection Project

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Semester One of 2008

Test run of the trees project
Basic triple projection dealing with the context of Nature and Technology/Artificial

Basic experimental setup to test out the colour changes when interacting with the shadows of viewers.

Feel free to leave comments for further developments, improvements and ideas.


Hello All

and welcome to the first Alphalayer blog site posting!

Stay around for more future posts and video and design works!

Thanx for visiting

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