Project : Design Me Identity 2005

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Design Me Project Investigating Identity - 2005

Have a laugh

The Art of Selling

Monday, March 23, 2009

Just a quick note to say there is a seminar on at the Corban Estate Arts Centre on the 26th March 2009 (thats this Thursday) 9am- 12.30pm and its about selling your art works. Im going so if you want to come you can come with me! Theres morning tea provided and its only $25 ($15 with a valid student I.D) and features Ben Hurley, Esther Lamb (founder of toggle - an awesome craft website) Jana Lyn Holly, Margaret Lewis and Naomi McCleary. Go have a look at for more info.

Guinness commercial

Friday, March 20, 2009

I was really lucky to have had the opportunity to work on the art department of the latest Guinness commercial. It was an awesome experience and I met a lot of awesomely nutty people. I worked with the fabulous people at Gyro constructivists for a day, making a rocket ship for the commercial. The theme of the commercial was ''creation'' well that's what we were guessing anyway. The rocket ship was made to look like a little boy made it from spare parts in his back yard. I've got to say that the rocket ship looked amazing! I only made an extremely small part of it, which took me ages! I'm not sure if it even made the final cut, I was such a little baby snail in comparison to these awesome prop makers who have at least 25 years + experience under their belts, and can whip up anything in a matter of two minuets. The workshop at gyro is very cool with a large wood work area, a metal room and resin room....mmmm candy!

For the rest of the time on the commercial I worked on the grass. It was a pretty huge and tedious job of two 8 by 4 metre pieces of ashtro turff hung from the ceiling and about twenty or so of us on either side cutting holes and threading longer pieces of grass through and gluing the back. The aim is that it would look like wild uncut grass.

Although this part of the job was a weee bit tedious, its amazing who you meet working in art departments, I even bumped into old buddies from art school and had a good old yarn whilst discussing our process to getting as much done in a day as we could. Mine was slice, thread a small patch, then glue, then thread another patch while waiting for the glue to dry on previous patch, then cut ends off glued patch and repeat, while having an awesome conversation with anybody, sometimes everybody, about anything really.

Its safe to say that we left everyday with multiple fingers bandaged from these "processes" of ours, but it was great!! I would highly recommend art department work if you can get any, it really makes you aware how many people are behind the scenes gutting their fingers on any film work. Also how pressing the time frames are to get your bit done on time, to get it to the next department and so on.

A Past Life

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hello All,

Unsure about the general consensus with my fellow bloggers/uni mates but I for one am going mental because I am not creating much stuff at all! After leaving uni I have found that it is harder than it looks to keep the creative process up and running. So I have decided to post up all my older works in an effort to inspire myself and maybe some of you guys to get back into it! Just make stuff because you want too! Or go back to your old lecturer and ask them to mentor you. Or apply for an art grant or exhibition coz that'll force you off your ass! Remember how fun it was to make? I think I am saying this stuff more for myself really, but if you wanna do it to, whats stopping you?
Ok so this was for a multiples brief I did in 2007. We had to make jewellery which could be repeated if need be. It introduced us into the manufacturing aspect of jewellery. These are moulds of cacti and succulents. I've made them out of brightly coloured resin which ends up looking quite strange and alien like.

These are my 2008 (Year 4) 1st semester works. Put simply I was trying to create souvenirs of a house, which didn't quite work out. Although the context didn't come through I think some of the objects ended up to be quite beautiful. Like the last on the right - the wall paper poop brooch as I call it. This series of work was a prelude to my birds and cages (which was my 2nd semester year 4 work) shown below.

The images below are of an exhibition I was in at the Papakura Art Gallery in January 2008. It was the first exhibition I had been in so I was quite excited! Vivienne Hohaia from M.S.V.A had set the whole thing up with the gallery which was pretty lucky and almost all the jewellers in my year had a spot in it. Amy Li, Sandra Khang, Vivienne Hohaia and I

There were 6 pieces to this work, 3 pieces of jewellery and 3 books. The books are meant to go along side a specfic piece of jewellery and offer a narrative to it. I wanted to visually show the idea of how any piece of jewellery comes with a story of its own and also gets overlaid with ones own memories and stories when you get involved with it. Although the jewellery pieces themselves aren't amazing I think my books are beautiful! my favourites being the plug and teacup books. My favourite piece of jewellery would be the set of teacup rings - one empty and one full of coffee and flowers.

Im sure Ill dig up some more images of my past creations so I'll post em up too!
Happy Friday the 13th!

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