Kraft Bomb

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Alphalayer is SUPER PROUD to announce that our Kraft department Anne fann fann & Madamelle will be at Kraft Bomb Sunday April 26th at the Grey Lynn community centre. We are Super EXCITED!!!! It is an AWESOME day filled with Krafty goodness to warm the cockles of your heart. So come along and check out the little delights we create in our workshops that are ready to be unleashed on the world..........and could be yours!! Look forward to seeing all you Krafty cats out there.

Kraft and candy
Anne fann fann & Madamelle


Anonymous said...

Oh hai! Remember me, your tablemate? K-bomb was good times! Love your website: very flash.

Hello said...

heyyyyyyyy Rach!! thanx for popping by!! we love your much so I think i could'nt stop telling you hehehe...You should have a blogspot! if you already do what is it..we can be friends!

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